


A flashback

A new year with a new blog!

Hi everyone! We wish you a very happy new year and the best wishes for 2023!  On the second day of 2023 we are glad to share a new blog with you of Jinske: My name is Jinske and I’m a student at the VU University in Amsterdam. I am [...]

January 2nd, 2023|

Blog: Eric C.M. van Gorp, Professor in Virology and founder of the Viruskenner program

Viruskenner next edition next generationA warm welcome to Belgium, Italy, Surinam and the Netherlands joining in the 16th edition of the international Viruskenner project with more than 1000 participating students. Next generationIn an every day changing world, we really need the next generation to create, innovate, stimulate, communicate and collaborate and [...]

December 4th, 2022|

Podcast Ebola!

Hi everyone, Listen Professor Eric van Gorp's podcast about Ebola now! Use the link:    

October 28th, 2022|

A message from KKC

The winners of Viruskenner 2022 of the KKC were honored by Science Makers yesterday! Are you curious what their day looked like? Check out the photos and the link below.

September 23rd, 2022|

Winners of Paramaribo!

We also received the cheerful and colourful pictures of the winners from Paramaribo of the two participating schools: Hoogendoorn college & Nassy Brouwer. Winners be proud of yourselves and we hope you are happy with the prizes.

May 30th, 2022|

Final 2022

Last week was the final day of Viruskenner 2022. Once again, the project is more actual than ever. For example, participating schools had to continue with the project from home due to the measures regarding Corona. Previous editions usually had a live final day, this year the final and the [...]

April 18th, 2022|

Viruskenner visited Italy!

A week ago Viruskenner visited the Buonarroti school in Italy to do a two day seminar! The workshop was about responsiveness to pandemic emerging situations. Two experts from the Netherlands came to Trento to do an interactive program with the students. The Seminar was a success and the students did [...]

March 31st, 2022|

Viruskenner in Suriname!

Last days the Viruskenner team visited Suriname! The semifinals took place at the secondary schools Arthur Alex Hoogendoorn and Nassy Brouwer College. And how!! The jury was extremely impressed by all the presentations, flyers, films and prevention tools that were designed by the students. In the last months, several teams [...]

March 29th, 2022|

Blog from Marlies!

Hi everyone, 2022…..a new year has started…a year full of chances. Chances for new developments, personal, at school, with friends…but also the chance to change your lifestyle. Eat the veggies your parents give you, take the stairs instead of the lift, wash your hands frequently, do your everyday workout and [...]

January 28th, 2022|

Blog Rory!

Hi everyone! My name is Rory de Vries, I am a virologist and workgroup leader at the Department of Viroscience, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam. I was a coach for several years in the beginning of Viruskenner (including two trips to generate awareness in Indonesia), and have been a panelist during the [...]

January 22nd, 2022|

Watch the video of WHO

We all can take control over our health & improve it! #HealthPromotion helps people to take control over & improve our own health. It is about supporting people to make healthy choices - choices that improve the well-being of people and the planet.

December 19th, 2021|

Blog from coach Eliza

Hi everyone! My name is Eliza and I am studying at the Erasmus university in Rotterdam to become a doctor.  I have now completed my bachelors degree and I will start my medical internship next year as part of my masters. In the meantime I’m one of the coaches of Viruskenner and I [...]

December 9th, 2021|

Blog van Eric C.M. van Gorp

Blog Eric C.M. van Gorp - Professor in Virology and founder of the international Viruskenner project A warm welcome to all students participating in the 14th Viruskenner edition! Viruskenner; knowledge as antivirus. All new Viruskenner participants from Italy, Surinam and the Netherlands a very warm welcome from the Viruskenner team. [...]

November 30th, 2021|

How does mRNA vaccins work?

Are you wondering how the mRNA vaccins work? Check this short movie. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver directions to make a protein that educates our immune system, so it will neutralize the virus in future encounters. The mRNA-containing lipid particles are taken up by specialized immune system cells.

November 15th, 2021|
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