A special, intensive week for ITT Buonarroti & KKC
Hi there!
Viruskenner coach Valéry here, because: this week the Viruskenner kick-off took place in Italy, Trento!
The Viruskenner team was warmly welcomed at ITT Buonarroti and not only the kick-off happened: there was an exchange program as well between ITT Buonarroti (Italy) and KKC (NL).
This year, schools are visiting the other for a week. Duos were made before the exchange: one student from Italy and one from The Netherlands form buddies. During the exchange buddies are staying at each others home. This means new experiences, language, food, culture and probably even new friends.
During the kick-off Viruskenner coach Eric gave the masterclass about viruses, transmission routes and prevention tools. I told more about Viruskenner as a project: ‘what is Viruskenner, what to expect, how to work in teams, where can you find support?’
Students were listening carefully, sharp questions were asked. Now the Viruskenner project officially started and the schools will work in teams on the project.
30 March 2023 is the big, international final Viruskenner day in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Then the Italian students from ITT Buonarroti will visit their Dutch buddies from KKC as well.
The Viruskenner team wishes the participants lots of success and joy on their Viruskenner journey!